This is a “360 degree” in depth investigation of a business’s past, present and future performances, scrutinising in depth its financial records and assumptions made in future projections.

Whether buying or selling a business, Michael also has extensive specialist skills and experience in due diligence assignments, having been directly involved in over a dozen, sales, acquisitions and management buyouts. Transaction have ranged from small deals of £50k  up to larger more complex deals with realised consideration of over £ 8 million.

We will help you with the sales process of your business and will plan and assist you with all the stages of the process, which include:

  • Pre-due Diligence preparation for sale
  • Preparing Confidentiality Agreements
  • Preparing an Information Memorandum
  • Searching and short listing the market for potential acquirers
  • Assessing valuations and offers
  • Negotiating deals
  • Assisting solicitors with legal documentation
  • Tax planning issues

Please contact us if you are considering buying or selling your businesses. We have the skills and a comprehensive network of specialists to build the right team of advisors for you.

We listen carefully to understand your requirements and explain clearly the processes and procedures.

We are thorough, discreet, confidential and able to guide you through the complexities of the processes, absorbing and dealing with any stains and stresses along the way

Call us to see how we can help

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Contact Details:

01803 901793 /  07919 213 259
13, Wall Park Road